Cranberry & Raspberry Ice Cream Layer

Cranberry & Raspberry Ice Cream Layer

An ‘easy-peasy’ yet luxurious pudding which is both speedy and gorgeous.¬†The¬† nicest (but most expensive) vegan ice cream¬†is Booja Booja, available from independent health food shops and grocers only. Otherwise try Swedish Glace, Food Heaven,¬†Bessant & Dury¬†or Tofutti – at least one of these brands will be in a large supermarket, the others from good¬†health food shops or independent grocers.

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  • vegan-desserts


  • 1 tub vanilla or other flavour dairy-free ‘ice cream’
  • 50g/2oz dried, sweetened cranberries
  • 1 bag frozen raspberries or summer fruits (250-350g or so)
  • 50g/2oz caster sugar
  • Plain chocolate and/or nuts to decorate
  • Instructions

    1. Defrost fruits, add sugar and simmer gently with cranberries for 3 minutes. Leave to chill in fridge until required.

    2. In a tall glass, alternately layer the ice cream with the fruit mixture.

    3. Top with crushed nuts and shavings of plain chocolate and serve immediately.

    Optional extras / notes

    • 5 minutes plus chilling time


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