
14/05/2020  |   VRC Team

The vegan baking secrets you NEED to know

The vegan baking secrets you NEED to know In recent weeks the UK has turned into a nation of enthusiastic bakers. If the supermarket shelves are anything to go by,…

27/08/2015  |   VRC Team

Aquafaba magic

Those of you keeping an eye on all things vegan may have come across aquafaba already, but ...What is Aquafaba, and why all the excitement?

07/02/2014  |   VRC Team

30 Day Vegan Hits the Spot!

We're so excited about the 30 Day Vegan - after working with the Veganuary team and seeing that take off like a rocket, we wanted to get our own online...

12/09/2012  |   VRC Team

The Viva! Catering Guide is here!

Yes, the Catering Guide has finally arrived! All shiny and beautiful from the printers – the designer has done a cracking job so let’s hope you like it as much…

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