Pia Werzinger
Post published 7 April 2022

Vegan Chef featuring on Gordon Ramsay’s new Cooking Show

Vegan Chef Ramsay

Owner of Lele’s Vegan Cafe, Valentia Fois, will feature as the first and only vegan chef in Gordon Ramsay’s new apprentice-style BBC show ‘Future Food Stars’.

Fois will compete in weekly food challenges to win the ultimate prize of £150,000 in addition to an exclusive mentorship by chef Ramsay.

After succesfully completing the first round, she will be back for a new episode on thursday at 9pm on BBC One and BBC iPlayer.


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Pia Werzinger, Digital Media Manager for Viva!'s Vegan Recipe Club

The author
This post was written by Pia Werzinger
As Viva!'s Food and Cookery Digital Media Manager, Pia is keeping you up to date on the latest recipes and vegan food news.