New Documentary ‘I Could Never Go Vegan’ to Launch in December

The trailer for new feature documentary I Could Never Go Vegan, touted as the next Game Changers meets Cowspiracy, will launch on 1st November, prior to the film’s release later this year. The documentary, produced by brothers Thomas and James Pickering, explores the various common arguments against veganism, why they exist, and whether they are justified.
The announcments follows a recent launch of Viva!‘s very own multi-award winning Hogwood: A Modern Horror Story on Netflix (watch the full 30-minute documentary here).
Featuring interviews with high profile athletes, health professionals, scientists, slaughterhouse workers, farmers, and food professionals, I Could Never Go Vegan – five words spoken around the world by so many non-vegans – sets out to investigate the leading reasons why people refuse to stop eating animals.
Filmmaker Thomas Pickering comments: “I’ve never eaten meat. But it seems every other day a new argument pops up against veganism. Certain reasons started to pop up more frequently. Cheese. Bacon. Canines. The food’s terrible. It doesn’t help the planet. Humane slaughter. The list goes on.
“This led me on a path to find out why so many people had opposing views to the movement, and why these arguments exist in the first place. In the film, we ask whether there’s any justification to them, or is there something else at play here?”
The documentary features discussion from opinion leaders including:
- Sophia Ellis – British, European and Commonwealth Powerlifting Champion
- Dotsie Bausch – Olympic silver medallist
- George Monbiot – Writer, environmentalist, and political activist
- The Happy Pear – Plant-based foodies and recipe creators
- Dr Shireen Kassam – Founder of Plant Based Health Professionals
- Dr Alan Desmond – Doctor and best-selling author
- Dr Gemma Newman – known as the Plant Power Doctor
- Dr Alice Brough – Pig Vet & animal rights activist
- Dr Melanie Joy – Social Pyschologist & founder of Beyond Carnism
The film explores themes including the health impacts of a meat-focussed diet versus a vegan diet, the environmental impact of animal agriculture, whether it’s possible to be an athlete and eat a plant-based diet – and insight from slaughterhouse workers into both the treatment of animals killed for meat, and the impact this has on those employed to slaughter them.
Co-producer, James Pickering, comments: “We created I Could Never Go Vegan’ to address common themes, myths and misconceptions around veganism, in a way that will draw interest from even the staunchest meat eater. The documentary is an eye-opening look into the key barriers preventing people from reducing their intake of animal products, and what will happen if we continue to eat meat at the current rate of consumption. It’s a must-see for all – whether you’re already vegan, a flexitarian, or think you could never give up steak.”
Watch the trailer
I Could Never Go Vegan is set for a release date of 26th December 2022.

The author
This post was written by Pia Werzinger
As Viva!'s Food and Cookery Digital Media Manager, Pia is keeping you up to date on the latest recipes and vegan food news.