Pia Werzinger
Post published 6 April 2022

First Fully Vegan Lunch served at Oxfordshire County Council


The first fully plant-based lunch has recently been served at the last Oxfordshire County Council meeting, after a successful cabinet vote in favour to adopt a vegan only menu.

Ian Middleton, Green Councillor for Kidlington South expressed his thanks in a tweet directed to Oxfordshire County Council, stating it was ‘an absolute triumph’. Councillor Kate Gregory agreed that “It was great”.

Accompanied images showed vegan sandwiches, pastries, platters of fruit, and cake.

Oxford-Council-Vegan-Lunch Oxford-Council-Vegan-Lunch Oxford-Council-Vegan-Lunch Oxford-Council-Vegan-Lunch

Pictures courtesy of Cllr Middleton, @IanMiddletonX

The tweet received mixed replies, with many apprechiating the move to more plant-based foods.


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Pia Werzinger, Digital Media Manager for Viva!'s Vegan Recipe Club

The author
This post was written by Pia Werzinger
As Viva!'s Food and Cookery Digital Media Manager, Pia is keeping you up to date on the latest recipes and vegan food news.