Aldi launches Vegan No-Lamb Roast for Easter

German supermarket chain Aldi has announced the launch for a new vegan No-Lamb roast in time for Easter.
The 364g roasting joint is released under the supermarket’s own vegan brand ‘Plant Menu’ and will be available for £3.99 apiece. According to Aldi’s website, orders can be placed from 10th April via their ‘Food to Order’ section, and will be available from April 14th to 16th.
The No-Lamb roast will feature a rosemary and onion stuffing, as well as a rosemary and panko crumb, and comes with a red onion and mint gravy for a finish.
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This post was written by Pia Werzinger
As Viva!'s Food and Cookery Digital Media Manager, Pia is keeping you up to date on the latest recipes and vegan food news.